Photo Gallery

L.E.C. Canoe Build 2014

Lawrencetown Educational Centre 
students ready to build another canoe!

Preparing the stem band to boil and bend

A successful bend!

The first rib gets carefully bent and tacked in place

Making steady progress and giving attention to detail

Hand-drilling each rib

Sanding the ribs before planking begins

The first plank is tacked in place

The canoe is coming together

Ready to come off the form

First look at the inside of the canoe

Nice job guys!


 Clinching & closing in the ends

Canoe being hung in the canvas

Tacking the canvas into place

Visiting the canoe shop to start the first coat of paint

Fantastic, looks great guys

Outer gunwale was attached and brass stem bands put on.
The only job left was to bolt thwarts & seats in place.

A beautiful finished project

Taking the canoe out for a maiden voyage in Keji park

BIG Congratulations to LEC!

Another beautiful canoe hand-built by students 
& on display for their 2014 Graduation Ceremony!

* * *
Best of luck & remember with a bit of guidance… 
some dedication, determination & willingness
you can succeed in doing anything that you put your mind to!